The WYP manifestos are documents elaborated throughout a whole edition of the project. The work starts with the local groups, who draft their proposals and send them to the national encounter. In the national encounter the WYPers agree on a common contribution taking note of each group’s proposal. Putting together all the national documents, the draft International Manifesto is redacted. It constitutes the working material for the international plenary session, where the final version is redacted.
The WYP Workbooks are documents prepared by the International Scientific Committee of the WYP to guide the work at a local level. They contain texts, activities and questions for the dialogue, as well as the structure to be followed for each group’s contributions to the final manifesto.
Operative Decalogues
The operative decalogues of the WYP are documents that are elaborated in the commissions of the international plenary sessions. It's aim is to facilitate the application of the Manifesto’s contents to our lives in a direct and didactic way.